a distraught beauty sits there wasting away
as he wasts his life day by day
as he waits for all mortals to go to their tomb
he tries to live out an immortals doom
he didn't want this, this immortal life
he didn't want this fear and strife
as he passes on this curse to me I finally begin to see
this distraught beauty sits on his throne
longing for his old home
he has traveled the world three times and more
and thinks sleeping all day is just a bore
he stalks prey at night
and puts up a fight
but look past the rugged edges
the scratches and blood
and you will see the man I love
now as his fangs sink deeper
and to him my blood tastes sweeter
I will now inherit the doom and wait
for all mortals to go to their fate
We will now together wait but our lives we'll not waste
for we will try to cheat our now doomed fate
for as mortals go to their fate
our time is coming and we have learned to wait
together we will wait for the time
when darkness and light intertwine
and fate will forever bind the immortals back to time
but back to my fallen angel
who truly is he but blackness
where a face should be
and his name yet a mystery to me
how long will it be until
my angle, my savior, my love
reveals himself to me?
now as the blackness before the light
closes in on me, before i can have my
angle and savior here with me
I look for some trace in his face
of who he truly be
but as before I can not unlock the door
and there is blackness instead of a face
will my fallen angle be revealed to me?
Copyright © princessblue022, All Rights Reserved