sitting in a white room impatient
became a patient because I wasn't patient
such a blatant disregard for the art of sex
leaves me perplexed, fuck! my whole life is wrecked
how could I not keep myself in check
mind racing I'm pacing ingesting carcinogens at an alarming rate
like I won't let aids kill me
I'll control my own fate
find the answer in lung cancer you feel me
nah you probably don't
and won't unless you ingested the infection
cause you lacked protection at moment of impersonal affection
wishing you could rewind to the section of time
and push erase, but that's not the case
and never again will be
how could something so good kill me
didn't respect it
don't get me wrong I always knew I could be affected
and always elected to be protected to the level of paranoia
but that one time one night that one will do it for ya
and there aren't any lawyers or doctors or parents or any other answers
that are apparent
acceptance of death is all I have left
13 days is the countdown for the result
don't believe in god, but please pray for me
so I don't get that early phone call, don't get me wrong I know
its my fault
not looking for sympathy
but when you getting ready to get it on think of me
wrap it up and hit it strong
cause if you don't there is no erasing H.I.V
cant fuck with it cause you will R.I.P
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