Your hate cuts like a knife
Deep... painfully
All i wanted was for you
To hold me
Hug me
Tell me that you loved me
Or at lest that you cared
Guess you didn't
Nether did I
Now all i want is to die
Or just be away
Away from this place
Gone like the morning sun
When the night comes
That's what it feels like right now
Like the night
Because there's no light
You took it away
You didn't want me to stay
You dropped my heart
So it would break
Now I'm picking up the peaces
But i can't put them back together
I don't know how
I'v never done this before
I'v never felt like I was dead on the floor
Like this will never be better
Never end
Never quite
Never stop hurting this bad
I gave you all I had
My heart my soul
That's what you stole.
And like a fool... I loved you
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