What would Jesus do
His mama always taught
He never thought her words through
Nor gave them second thought.
He grew up a Christian boy
Sound of faith and heart
He was his daddy's pride and joy
Swore to his buddy they'd never be apart.
There came a day when Gregory went
And Bill and Jessie followed
The drew Daddy's name and he was sent
When son broke the news two hearts were hollowed.
He had seen the sign and put in his name
Lied about his age
After all, war was just a game
And he was released from this small town cage.
To buddy he said goodbye
Said no need to fear
Airplanes he was going to fly
He'd lick 'em in a year.
While in training drill sergeant would yell
"I'll make you boys men"
After this he could have visited hell
And lived to go again.
He thought training was the worst
But the worst was yet to come
He had not yet heard bombs burst
Or cheated Arlington.
When he was told
Front lines by morning
He was silent but bold
Gazed at a picture of buddy in all her adorning.
What would Jesus do, his mama always taught
With shrapnel in his chest he thought it through
Fading, he gave it second thought
Clinging to a picture of his buddy, he died knowing what would Jesus do.
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