My one, my only
Let the stars in us align
Connect my constellation
Taste the vast divine
Score the galaxy
Find the hidden awes
Of undiscovered stars
Break Sir Newton’s laws
Dance through silky skies
On the rim of Saturn’s ring
Echo through the satellites
Let me hear you sing
Pitter patter
In the puddle of existence
Lose yourself
Deny your own subsistence
You’ve left me for the sky
Slipping through my hands
Like stellar dust
To distant lands
Explode into the cosmos
Feel the pulse vibration
Weave your gravity
From galactic divination
You’ve become a supernova
Blinding fair Selene
Moving, fast as light
To see all things unseen
Eyeless, unperceptive
Through a technicolor haze
Flying through the nebula
The sparkling, gaseous maze
Pulling from my world
With curiosity
Keep trying, my love
To escape velocity
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