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Death gets closer
03/06/2006 @ 2:42pm

I always wonder if tonight`s the night
All I want is to see the light
I think about death and I get so scared
Sometimes I wonder if anyone ever cared
Sometimes I stay awake and wonder why
Why do we have to leave, why do we have to die?
I always wonder what is waiting on the other side
But when it comes to death, you cannot hide
I don`t want to be a body in the ground
But maybe something wonderful is waiting to be found
Everyone knows there`s nothing you can do
Because someday death will be after you
You cannot escape, you can`t even run
Because when he gets you, your life is done
That`s one pain everyone will feel
A pain that you can never heal
Sometimes it seems to go by so fast
And you can`t help but wonder how long your life will last.
I often wonder what it`s like for the dead
And how it would be like if they were alive instead
I don`t know how to throw these thoughts away
The harder I try to push them out, the longer they stay.
I don`t think I will ever be ready to go
I want to stay here and keep the life that I know
Now I look at life differently
And think about what people really mean to me
I want to show them how much I do care
But most of the time, their not even there
Life`s too short to throw it all away
Because you won`t even be here someday
Even though you may give in to life`s hard game
In the end, we will all wind up the same
Copyright © 2025 evils_addiction7, All Rights Reserved

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