Now I lay me down to sleep,I wish your soul to keep.
I have to let you go my sweet,he whispered,thinking
I was a sleep.
I heard the pain again in his voice,felt his breath
upon my ear,like a feather floating by.
I love you Alexa,you know I do.
I can't keep you with me in all my pain,
My sickness is winning,and I'm no help.
I can't seem to do anything to help myself
This is the last time I will hold you so,so close
to my heart,yet I haven't a clue how to let you
A tear falls from him to my cheek,he lays his head
on mine,as he softly brushes a kiss to my eye.
What can I do Alexa,you came to late in my life,
I can't let you watch me die.
I can't stand to see the love,hurt, confusion in
your eyes.
I need you and can't stand to hurt you,not fighting
this disease.
I see the pain,hurt,confusion on your face and it
just compounds the feelings of destroying myself.
I'm selfish,I don't want to let you go,to someone
heathy in all ways we know.
This is the last time I will be with you Alexa.
You know my soul is doomed.
by Alexa Carpenter
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