the thought i hate
but i also love
sounds so great right now
im ready to leave
ive said my goodbyes
the only thing that could save me
is nothing...i just want to be dead!!!
but i dont want you to feel the guilt
or feel sad
its not your fault
id be leaving soon anyway
so just say goodbye
and move on in life
im gone now
gone for good!!
sorry i had to leave like this
i asked so many timesfoe you to just kill me now
but i guess you never heard
so ill take the pills
and take the knife
and slide it acroos the vein
deeper and deeper
on my wrist
then maybe even slice my throat
and if im still living after that
down the safe ill sneak
grad the gun hold it tight
place it to my temple
and pull the trigger
and now im gone
when you get home
youll find me there
lying in a puddle of blood
sorry about the stain
sorry you dad to find me like that
it was nt your fault
theres nothing you could have done
im gone now
move on in life
please dont cry one tear
well why would you anyways
no one ever cared
no one cared to get mo the right help
no one will miss me, NO ONE!!
soo im gone and you better believe it
dont you dare cry
cuz i know its just a lie!!
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