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Excuse Me Ma’am What’s On Your Shoulders?!
05/14/2003 @ 6:18pm

Excuse me Ma’am what’s on your shoulders?!

Excuse me Ma’am what’s on your shoulders?!
Moonlight dinners that cease to escalate,
Mom and Pop’s fascination on when Melodie will procreate,
My Bread and Butter in the cupboard.
I have a lot on my mind!
Leaving room for no one…..
Unless you have the sense to aid me while I tread
On what seems to be a blind man’s path into the unknown.
Erect now, I grasp the knowledge,
Rapid waters whirl towards my cheeks and I gasp.
As I choke on the reality that I am a free agent, on my own,
Carpooling is no longer an option!
My pen embraces my fingertips and screams out to the creative who needs to
Watered, weeded, and seeded.
My eye discovers blood on the moon and captures tiger’s sister for
It is my will to express.
Excuse me Ma’am what’s on your shoulders?!
Pennies dropping like Trina’s panties behind Elymr.
Money mystically, mutating and mysteriously minimizing my meat and potatoes
supply. Bills overlappin’, I’m forever lackin’ the freestyle capability to
trek towards and around a debt free, and grey streak free way of life.
Keeping my head above crashing colossal waves that beat the back of my
I stumble. I get up. I stumble I get up again.
Excuse me Ma’am what’s on your shoulders?!
Innocence lost at the ripe age of 13 against my will.
13 years of age marks the state of a girl with courage and strength
Family members seek to put the HUSH on the matter for whatever reason,
Which meant seasons upon seasons unfolded without ever reaching the hands of
closure. Happily, my therapy was feminine.
Sought through the flowery perfumed tongues of elves and sprites of a very
familiar gender…that of my own.
They danced and smiled and raised their glasses for me to swallow,
Morality and Shame were amongst my new coven.
Falling deeper, diving steadily through the choice cut, sweetest of pieces.
Envy was nowhere near my household. I was free.
Excuse me Ma’am what’s on your shoulders?!
I just have a lot on my mind, can’t you see?
And if u are denying to aid me through this,
Then I must set u free.

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