Philosophize prioritize
The meaning of this thing called life,
With its relentless grip on reality
Unless you escape in a hazy green smoke and are temporarily devoured by
glistening lights and mutated happiness
For those who want to face thier fears and doubts without a sip of Alice's
We walk alone and find the path best fit to our feet
And we walk
And we run
We shift our mind to our feet and think
This meaning of time has been fastforwarded to
What the hell, why not?
You're only young once.
And yet, as we escape into our dark nightmares and are temporarily devoured
by shadowy figures and deafening screams
We lose sense of that time that we need for life
Sipping a mirage of dreamland's best
We forget that we must grow old
So we dream
And we laugh
And we forget to live.
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