Into our hearts you fell. You soon had us under a spell. Brought to us from
Ma and Pa and angel an angel above. We promised you everything especially
Tiny small hands and two small feet. A tiny miracle to make our lives
God watched over us, with her for a while. Then answered our prayers with a
smile. He knew this is where she was meant to be. It was his plan for her
and our destiny.
Adorable with big brown eyes, she puts sunshine back in our lives. She
captured our hearts and set our lives a whirl. We are now adopting our
precious baby girl. We waited so long for our dreams to come true. God gave
us an angel, and that angel was you.
Thank You Lord for a beautiful daughter to cherish and love. Thank you for
the blessing you sent from up above. We've now been blessed , the gift God
has given us and the privilege to be proud parents of lauren our precious
angel from heaven above.
I wrote this for my daughter she was 2 weeks old when we got her . To all
couples that cant have children of there own adoption is no different then
having a child of your I could not love my daughter any more if i could have
gave birth to her . She's our blessing!
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