How can this be
This girl cannot see
Eyes wide open, alert and wondering
Blind as a prick on a needle
Anxiously awaiting to see her fate
Yet she lives day by day, seeing things pass her by
But still she cannot see
Everything she see's in color, but a dark cloud wonders in her midst
Yet she still cannot see
She stares off into the knots of the wooden floors
Hopelessly wondering why she's here
People claim to have loved her, and pretend they even remotely like her
How can it be, this girl cannot see
She is hated by all, and loved by many
She sits in denial and pushes everyone away
Today that girl could see
Although she was judged by all, people still cared
Whether she want them to or not, they did
She could see that she was meant to lead a miserable life
And everyone else around her she cared for, live forever
Forever in happiness, and the light in her eye
While she saw herself living a lie,and a dark endless hole of misery,
hatred, and distraught
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