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Devil's Daughter
05/16/2007 @ 3:45pm

The angel children are crying in the sky
Their tears peck my unprotected shoulders
Everywhere I tread there are muddy footprints
My socks are soaked, as is my hair
Oh heavens, why do you attempt to
Wash away my cheeks flushed with evil?
I scuff my sneakers on the sidewalk
And blood seems to creep from cracks
Please believe me, I didn’t do it
That corpse was there long before
I walk by a church where the bells chime
The bride always seems to die tragically
I see souls in windows that seem to know me
Most times I feel I have in invisible stalker
My eyes are always red in pictures
Even when there is no flash
I touch a glass and it always shatters
The roses all wilt when I stop to smell them
Won’t someone tell me who I’m living?
How is it I can gently stroke someone’s heart
Only to leave it scarred and bruised?
I see an inhumane figure in the mirror
I’m dying inside, but I was never alive
But there are other forms hiding in corners
They’re wailing for me, but I can’t stand to listen
It’s all come down to a venomous fairy tale ideal
I’m followed by the past of a bloody manslaughter
Please don’t scream those words into my aching ear
I swear to you, I swear to you,
I’m not the devil’s daughter

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