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I miss you
07/03/2006 @ 7:52pm

I just want one more kiss,
one more memory,
one last goodbye

I long for the feeling of your lips
and the gentle touch of your finger tips
I didn't know that it was possible to feel like this
and I didn't know that you were so serious
I don't know what I'm going to do without you
and of everyone, you're the one i'm going to miss

I long for one more chance to be with you
we connented for those special nights
and you picked me up,
and helped me soar to new heights
I just need you to hold on to tight
please just tell me that everything will be alright

I long for the moment of one more hello,
and one last goodbye
your touch makes me feel like I can fly
and knowing your going to walk out
the door makes me want to cry
you opened my eyes to new doors
and I can't believe,
for those few minutes I was yours
and i can't believe,
held in your gentle hands,
was a feeling so pure
I can't believe your gone
I can't believe I miss you already

I just want one more kiss,
one more memory,
one last goodbye
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