Hotel room in Mexico.
One night stand, his adultery.
His wife at home who tries and tries.
Yet never able to fulfill his needs.
Blind to all his unfaithfulness.
His mistress that keeps his desire.
Lies told to both. Living life between
Wife and mistress.
She knew the rules of the game.
Excited by the danger in his being found.
Single in her own yet unwilling to stray
From this man.
He looks at her as a whore paid
To do what his wife would never do for him.
Paid with exotic get aways.
Hush, Hush. Secrets she had to keep.
Never telling her friends what this
Man could do.
Falling in love was against the rules.
He would never leave his wife.
Rules laid out that first night.
She knew she was there to please
Whatever he may need.
Sexual fantasy that's all she was. Young
Woman, sweet and sexy. On his arms
Shown off. A doll for all who know nothing
Of the own who waits at home.
Confessing feelings. Left to cry.
No longer his mistress she was left.
Never did he want her love.
All at once she felt the truth.
A prostitute was her role.
Just one call she made that night.
The tears she cried while the phone rang.
But strong she was when his wife answered.
The cries on the other line. Screams
"Bitch, home wrecker, whore"
All from his wife to his mistress.
The one on the side who called and told
About all his lies.
She broke down the walls of his happy home.
Leaving him nothing as she has now.
All going through her head.
ng on the floor hearing the ring of
The phone. His calls she no longer
Answer. Calls he makes not yet knowing
What she has done.
Dying inside, feeling her own pain.
Remembering the passion she has when it
All began and now the heart ache as it
All ends.
Memories of happiness and sorrow as she
Lies on the floor waiting the end.
The tear the were once his pleasure
Now his pain.
Hotel room in Mexico.
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