There I sit, crouched, alone, in the corner of an empty room of a house with
hallowed halls.
No one is there, except me...
And sometimes I wonder if I'm even there...
Or if its all just barren, and I'm dreaming this
There I sit, unable to move, unable to breathe
Wishing I could escape. Escape this pain, escape this torture, escape this
life and everyone known to it.
There is I sit waiting for it all to make sense, waiting for anything to
make sense, waiting for it all to end, waiting and hoping for it all to end,
waiting to be set free
Free from this pain, free from this torture, free from this box that l find
myself TRAPPED in everyday.
TRAPPED in it alone, empty, and decaying; rotting away, piece by piece
So there I sit in my corner; crouched, wondering, waiting, wishing, but
TRAPPED in a dark empty corner of a small box in an empty room in a house
with hallowed halls in a world of meaningless promises and broken dreams,
and people at the turn of every corner, but still yet, ultimately barren and
And all of this is found inside of me, my mind, my world, through my
TRAPPED, decaying,rotting,empty,alone,dead...and somehow still living....
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