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The Water Cycle (Part Seven)
11/21/2006 @ 12:09am

A faded note, easily lost among the sheets of paper
Strewn across my apartment floor,
Or the bitter remnants of my mind,
Remains unnoticed to my eyes
Or senses gathered.
Unknowingly, this note could be more
Than a reprehensible piece of tattered paper.
This paper is my escape.

Against the concrete I feel my life slipping
Farther and farther away.
I couldn't scream to beg
Or cry to flounder
But, I remembered my words
And my sentences, my lonely paragraphs
Of hope.

I ended my treason with unknown fallacies,
Courage was the only object that slipped away
In the years of my pain
But maybe this was the final thought
That could save all that was lost?

My breath still beating against the concrete
Suffocated my mind into remembrance.
I felt my blood pouring along the sidewalk
Creating rivers of passion and sorrow.
He wouldn't let me go.
After all these years,
He wouldn't let me go.

Wanting to scream, wishing for that document
As a source of my written word
I lost all conciseness, seceded toward death
And fumbling toward an unknown ecstasy.
Was this death knocking at my door?
Or was this a view of lingering?

Still unaware of his intentions
I lay, motionless and pale.
Would he redeem his horrid actions?
Would he allow my body to become alive?
These thoughts were doubted before they came to life
But my heart still lingered in hope.

As the rivers of my blood became exacerbated
My life ended
In confusion
And lust.
My satisfaction of corruption
Was my card dealt in a time of pure
Unadulterated angst.

I lost you
As you lost me that day.
Those notes were burned,
Defiled, in the manner of my broken leaves.
Let me be, my friend,
My lover.
Let my embers be free.
Let me cry in vain of my mistakes.

Conclude this water cycle.
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