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Virulent Dreams
05/17/2007 @ 3:52pm

At night my mind articulate such dangerous thought,
Spasms of poison, my brain it has hungrily sought.
Its strength of 10,000 men also wants to kill my heart in vain,
Like an arrow of Cupid's except it is encoated in intoxicating pain.

Death is striving to take me out,
My veins are starting to get all tight and dry.
I know I am strong to fight off this infectious harm,
But its toxins and cold-hearted spirits isn't worth my charm.

My dreams are beautiful and nothing of evil's going to suppress or kill
That poisonous death can go right back into hell just where it came from.
Virulent dreams are my worst nightmares and fears,
But I have the power and authority to forever force those virulent dreams to
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