I can't stop looking at the stars
I see your face
I see how you hurt me So much
The pain comes back
But you always Listened to what i had to say
Even if it hurt both of us
But we listened
and we cry-ed together
I called the plan off
you still came
you knew i was in pain
and you wanted to take it away
but not listening to the call off
we can't talk
I can't get my pain out
i wanted to be heard
and now i finally am
it went the wrong way
but it came out better than planed
I'm getting along with my family
i can talk
I still see your face
when i look in the sky
when i see those stars
i wish and i cry
i want to talk
i want to scream
i want to be there
why couldn't i listen and do the same
love you and love my family
it went wrong
but came out great
i see people now but i don't talk
about seeing you
seeing you in the stars
hoping you are too
hoping you see me in the stars
and hoping you could talk to me
i no the reason i loved you
i loved you because you were the only one
that heard me scream
heard me cry
heard the pain
without you
i am died
but every night when i walk and think
i look up at the sky
and see your face in the stars
and i start talking like you could hear me
but i no you can't
you ended up causing pain even more
you only had a month before you left
and since you didn't listen u hurt
me and yourself
i blame myself
i never listened to my family's pain
till this happened
but I'm happy it did
i love you because you listened
I'm mad at you because you didn't love me too!
Copyright © littleace17, All Rights Reserved