A sense of pride rung through my body today when I saw what was on the
They were showing footage of the terrorist attacks,
And a memorial sevice for the children was being held.
So I put on my New Youk shirt,
Colored my hair red, white, and blue,
And showed my patriotism in every way possible.
On the bus to school, I heard a dedication to America on the time the first
plane hit.
I expected school to show grattitude, or have a speech in the gym,
At leaste something.
When I walked in the building,
I saw snickering faces,
And people wandering what I was doing.
I explained to them that I was trying to be patriotic, for it was 911.
Instead, my friend said I needed to mature and get over it.
We got into a fight.
Then another one of my friends chimmed in and said,
"Fighting isn't very patriotic, ya know!"
"Yeah!", said the one I was fighting with.
But you can't get over your country,
It just doesn't happen.
I thought it would get better,
But I was wrong.
When the announcement came on, our principle didn't mention anything,
Not even a request for a moment of silence.
So I had to explain to people all day long why I looked the way I did.
All in all, I had a pretty bad day,
But it wasn't all bad.
Knowing that I actually cared enough about my country to do what I did makes
me proud.
And they can't take my pride away.
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