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Anorexia: Not Good
03/18/2007 @ 2:54pm

You can take the girl out of the sugar,
But you can't take the sugar out of the girl
Is the moral of this tale.
This story is about a girl who thought she was happy.
It turned out.
Her parents were concerned with her weight,
When all her friends told her she's not fat.
She didn't care about if she was or about her appearance,
She just wanted to be happy.
She only felt happy with her ice cream and being with friends, not her
One random day,
They decided to only give it to her every other day,
And she was OK with it
Because she didn't eat a lot of sugar anyway.
The next day,
They told her after all the sugared food was gone,
She couldn't eat sugar.
She just ran to her room,
Started to cry, and talked to her two closest friends
She thinks about it,
After feeling a little better.
She said to herself:
"What's next? Anorexia?!"
Then she started to freak out and cry more.
She always vowed never to be anorexic.
She just hopes now
That all of this will blow over,
Like the first attempt,
Or something better in life will happen.
As you can see,
This is something bigger than ice cream,
But what you don't know is…
I was this girl.
From the story you just heard,
I hope you finally learned...
That no matter how skinny you want to be,
To please others or be lighter.
Anorexia is not the way to go,
And to not please others by being thin.
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