She was just a girl, with girlish hopes and dreams.
Wanted to be a princess, she wanted to be the queen.
She had everything she wanted, the things she didn't need.
She was just a girl, who come you couldn't see?
You told her that you could make her a star.
But all you did was on her heart leave a scar.
You told her that she could trust you.
So she let you have her soul.
She was just a girl, it didn't mean you could take control.
Now her mother sits and wonders, blames herself for all the pain.
She still waits for the sunshine to come after the rain.
So go ahead and be a man we all know you know how.
You'll use your force, your power, your strength.
What more harm can you do now?
She was just a girl, with girlish hopes and dreams.
Wanted to be a princess, she wanted to be the queen.
None of this matters now, cause these dreams will not come true.
The doctor said she'll never wake up.
And this is all because of you.
You took everything you wanted.
You took everything she had.
You took everything she hoped for.
When you were supposed to be her dad.
Copyright © kaleighkayybabby, All Rights Reserved