Theres a sorrow that sleeps in this broken heart, a sorrow so deep it burns
away emotions.
Theres a sorrow in this broken heart, you'll never see as long as the masks
keep up their rotation from crying sadness to smirking happiness.
Theres a sorrow in this broken heart, you'll never be able to hear the
screams as long as the draw string pulls you'll only hear the flowing lies.
Theres a sorrow in this broken heart that keeps real faces blank, real
hearts empty, real souls flightless and real minds locked.
Theres a sorrow in my broken heart that slumbers deep inside,eating away at
all that I once Cherish.
Theres a sorrow in my broken heart I hide from you with smiles and tears
because I am afraid.
Theres a sorrow in my broken heart I'll never whisper in your ear because my
lips seep out deceitful lies.
Theres a sorrow in my broken heart that keeps my true face blank, that keeps
my true heart empty, my true soul flightless, and my true mind locked.
Theres a sorrow in your heart too...
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