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10/02/2007 @ 10:55am

Dreams are scary.
Sometimes you get hurt in them.
You wake up and you’re hurt.
Sometimes you cry in them.
You wake up and there are tears under your eyes.
You are scared in them.
And it comes true.
All these dreams are scary.
And the scariest thing is.
You can’t control them.
You can’t protect the people in them.
Some are deja vu dreams.
You see them.
It happens.
You know they are in your head.
If you have weird dreams.
You’re weird and twisted.
If you have scary dreams.
You’re scary and unknown.
If you have no dreams.
It’s because you did have a dream.
It was too scary to even remember it.
That’s what scares people.
They have no dreams.
They don’t need to.
They get scared every day.
They don’t need it in their sleep.
Sometimes they do.
Sometimes you need to back away from the real world.
And look in your head.
For your dreams.
Your dreams are unpredictable.
UN describable.
UN attainable.
Until you have that one dream.
That is so scary and never stops.
It just keeps going.
And going.
And going.
Until it finishes and it to late by then.
When you get hurt in your dreams.
It hurts sure.
But you know the worst is over.
And the best is coming
But when it comes little by little.
That one shark knawing at your ankle.
It never stops.
Your conscious it telling you something.
It’s telling you to wake up.
And sometimes you don’t.
You die in your sleep.
And the pain never ends.
We cause each others dreams.
Not our own.
And when we say we did not have a dream that night.
We did.
It was too much pain.
To scary to even imagine.
You can’t remember it.
It’s a good thing.
Cause you don’t want to.
Copyright © izack77, All Rights Reserved

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