All is silent.
And all I want to do is reminisce
But that doesn't’t matter now.
Never waking up is the one thing I look forward to.
I’ll drop on the ground and not attempt to pick myself up.
I’ve given up.
I’ve let go.
Everything will get better.
Everything will get worse.
My demons will not bother me.
My head will no longer follow me.
Visions will haunt me.
Feelings will taunt me.
My eyes will go deaf.
My ears will go blind.
I will forget to remember.
I will walk into the shadows.
I will run from the light.
My sanity will slowly rise,
as I come to a realization.
Living in fear is not as it seems.
Living in fear is fearing of life.
Fear is not an object,
it is a mental roadblock.
Get a grenade, destroy it.
Or simply walk around it.
I will be stronger.
I will be renewed.
The life I had will cease to exist,
and my mind lost, and spirit exhausted.
I will just hope that if I happen to fall,
that there will be someone there to save me.
I will hope that if I go to sleep,
someone will wake me.
Copyright © silentsuffering, All Rights Reserved