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number 1 crush
12/30/2007 @ 12:35am

Between you and me, we share everything
And there isn’t anything you can do or say
To make my feelings go away

I don’t know what it will take for you to see
That you are the only one for me
And I don’t know what there is to do
To make me be the only one for you

I wish I could stop and hit rewind
Stop everything and go back in time
Back to that time, back to that place
Where I was the only one that made your heart race

In the back of my mind I will always know
That everything changes
No matter if I want it to or not
And somehow you will always be able to hit my weak spot

There are so many things left unsaid
So many memories that should be dead
I need to leave everything to rest and move on
I need to watch a new sun rise, see a new dawn

I know that we never dated
and no one suspected that we were more than just friends
But yet I can’t help but wish this not come to an end

After all the time spent together over the year
Somehow losing you has become my greatest fear
Even though you were never mine to begin with I still wish you were mine
In my eyes, as bright as the sun you shine

This may all sound cheesy
It doesn’t matter much
Always remember that you’re my number one crush

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