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drug dependency
12/31/2007 @ 1:39pm

Experimenting galore
My body aches, tired and sore
I’m not the same as I used to be
Living seems like a fantasy

Blowing lines
Turning on a dime
Hit the pipe, rip the bong
More and more all day long

Never slowing down, nothing coming to a cease
Uppers to keep from becoming obese
Downers to be mellow, just follow the flow
Sensations just grow and grow

Take this and pop that
Make a line, and make it fat
Now it’s time to smoke a bowl
Spend your money all on blow

Now it’s time for the true fun
Pop one and for the rest of the night you’re done
Take a swan or an iron, no harm done
Remember it’s just “innocent” fun

Nothing too crazy though
Remember we want to live through tomorrow
Knowing your limit is half the battle
Take some tranquilizers for some cattle

Ketamine or pcp
Ecstasy or ghb
Cocaine or speed
Eating brownies or smoking weed

Don’t forget the OCs or the h
Feelings that you can’t replace
Time for something with a Bacardi emblem
This isn’t addiction, or a covering of problems

This is just another way to satisfy sin
Just makes you feel a little less empty within
See life from another view, another perspective
Make choices in your life that are a bit more effective

This is how I live my life
From one day to the next, drugs are extremely rife
This may be a bad choice, but this is how I live
This is what I enjoy, what i contrive,
If I want to go drown, it is my choice, let me dive right in
This is my life, what I chose to partake in
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