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lusting to numb
12/04/2008 @ 10:35pm

the downward spiral has began to spin
the cure for emptiness is through sin
as i've said before, lust is one of the strongest drugs man has ever
fuck greed and money; fuck getting paid
that makes you feel powerful
but power isn't the cure
and it's full of corruption
i''m craving something pure

if it had to be one sin for the rest of my life
i would choose lust to end the strife
it makes you feel powerful without the corruption
it makes you complete while you're lusting

there is more than just one type of lust
all are equally just as they are unjust
there is lusting for physical seduction and desire
then lusting for creativity and someone whom inspires
there are many other types of lust
the one i crave now, is the one i can't trust

i lust to numb everything, all of my pains
over the years, complex issues have begun to drive me insane
the largest problem aside from myself
and my family's issues with wealth

is the fact that Roger's really gone
He was my everything, if only he could respawn...

his death is truly tearing me apart
my heart is gradually getting colder and colder
at the same time, my life is about to start

i wish that i could ease the pain
solve all my decisions that were in vein
go back in time and correct my mistakes
my lust for this has pulled the e-break

without Roger i won't be complete
i can't, i won't, my mind is constantly on repeat
i desire, i yearn-i lust for something more
but nothing has made my eyes more sore

no one was as perfect and beautiful
nor will anyone ever be
he was the only fish i wanted in the sea

but it was much too little, far too late
now i'm running, out of reason to celebrate
i know that i should move on,
start a new life, see a new sunrise, have a new, brighter dawn

but life isn't that easy
this is the thing i can't forget
i regret virtually nothing
but this always makes me upset

we completed each other so perfectly
we balanced each other out
creating perfect harmony

i will never find another like him
i'm so apologetic, these emotions will never trim
now i'm trying to end the pain
i'm lusting to make this sadness drain

but i know in my heart that i never will
at only 18 years of age, i will always be ill
and since this heartache will never go away
i'm lusting to numb this for eternity

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