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Losing David
01/03/2009 @ 2:53am

David was a tough one, always had a joke.
He would make you laugh until you thought you'd choke.
He never had a sad face, a smile was his array.
David had a smile on his very dying day.

Suffering of cancer we knew he had no chance,
But David spent his life never missing a dance.
He might have known his life would pass away,
So he fought for every moment that he had the chance to stay.

David never held a grudge, his forgiveness was fast
We wish dear David's life could forever last.
For never was a battle as bravely as this fought,
Leaving non left out with a lesson to be taught.

Life is short dear David knew and so he lived it full and fun.
He did what he must and loved to see the sun.
He said each day was special, a glory of it's own
There was the joy of life right to his very bone.

When David became sick and weak and was hospital bound,
Laughter from his room was the only living sound.
He spent his days telling jokes and smiling with pride,
He knew his days were over but never did he hide.

Hospital was like a home after few months passed by,
When finally the day came where David had to die.
It wasn't a day very different, the clouds all blocked the sun,
When David's first sign of giving up begun.

He smiled and simply said don't cry,
followed by a raspy short goodbye.
Then the David we knew and loved was left without a light,
After the long hard battle David had lost the fight...

Copyright © 2025 latisha457, All Rights Reserved

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