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I am Jewish
02/23/2010 @ 7:31pm

I am Jewish.
I breathe the dust of my ancestors.
I walk along the dirt paths of my heroes.
I climb Mitzadah, knowing that it will not fall again.
I fight for my faith, for my tradition.
I am Jewish

I am Jewish.
I feel it penetrate through
My pores and into the world.
I smell it in the Matzah ball soup
And the unleavened bread that’s
Draped with Harroset to recall
The pyramids that I made long ago.
I taste it in the meat that has been
Properly cut to make sure that
The cow’s death is painless, vain-less.
I see it glowing in the brilliance of
My freshly lit Shabbat candles,
As I bring in the holiday three times
With my three welcoming waves.
I hear it sung on Saturday mornings,
The bowing waves of prayer,
In the debasement and humility of our
Achievements as the Shofar is blown on
Rosh Hashanah.
I am Jewish.

I am Jewish.
My mezuzah hangs on the
Threshold of my heart,
Protecting my character with its
10 commandments.
My soul whispers to me in Hebrew
The same words that He told
My people years ago.
My strength asserts my faith,
Exercising its tests and
Trying my free will.
My customs lead my life and
Monitor my values.
My language connects me to my land,
To my people; we are one people.
I am Jewish.

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