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10/10/2003 @ 3:07am

I've contemplated many ways in which to take m lfe
It could all end with just a simple slit with a knife
Or how about, even better, I could hang myself
And leave behind a letter of hatred on my mother's shelf
I could always load the gun, and put it to my temple
Then maybe my dad would realize that my life is not so simple
What if I just got their attention, by swallowing a bottle of pills
And when they find me unconscious, their bodies will shake with chills . .
I'm sorry mom and dad, I know this act will hurt you
But you should've paid more attention, I'll bet you never knew
You were always too busy to ever ask about my day
Well I guess I've finally made you notice me, in my own sick little
To my sister-I truly love you, please don't turn on like me.
Keep with you your innocence, no matter how much bad you see.
And to my brother-My best friend, the one who's thoughts were sincere.
You're an amazing person, my idol, never show any fear.
To all of those who loved me, I know I loved you, too
And to all of those who never cared, I was murdered by all of you.
Copyright © dontblamethewine, All Rights Reserved

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