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10/15/2003 @ 3:07am

I think Josh broke the window,
There's glass in the field.
It has the consistency of sugar congealed.
But why would he do it, why, you say?
Don't ask me why, for they took Josh away.
The window had people in it,
Made by color in shards.
The people now gone, Josh is flanked by guards.
The window while in place portrayed Mary as star.
The girl visited by angels,
Her influence reached far.
Mary was mother,
She bore the nation's son,
The one hung from a tree
When questions were done.
W elooked to this man, this Jesus, our Christ,
but Josh looked away,
during his faithless heist.
Angry at Church,
Upset with God,
His mind had shrunk,
Morals level with sod.
What happened to his thoughts, these bright Cherubim?
Small-minded people say that he had split at the seam.
I don't think so, somehow, no, that's not quite right.
Josh was involved in a demon's fight.
He had been at war,
Gone so far astray.
Mutterers mutter, "He should have stayed that way."
You heathens, make comments buoyed high on hot air.
Don't you even realize Josh never was there?
His brain was not done,
It wasn't finished, not complete.
Doctors can't do it,
Only God's got this feat.
So people said, "Pray, you just go head and pray."
So Josh's momma did, but her faith slipped away.
This happened because the physician had failed.
He sadly broke the news while tiny Josh writhed and wailed.
"We can't fix it; God's will be done, 'cause it's
out of our hands."
That's when Momma decided she'd make her own plans.
Because God hadn't done what she heartily demanded,
Figuratively she pulled back and struck him back-handed.
The woman turned away, deciding he wasn't worth a song.
Sadly, though, Josh tagged along.
This train of thought that drove him to disaster,
This thing that was formed of dried tears and plaster?
It was humanly forged out of grudge and regret,
She wouldn't allow God to forgive and forget.
She demanded he fix the son she called dearest of all,
But failed to thank Him when He answered the call.
God said, "Dear heart, he's fixed, he's done.
This is my gift, Josh is your son."
The woman didn't hear, didn't try, didn't bother,
But in doing so turned Josh away from the Father.
This led to him being taken from home.
The lady learned the hard way,
God's ways aren't our own.
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