Daddy dearest how shall I begin?
From the day I could walk you said I was living in sin,
Daddy dearest why couldn't you show,
The love of a father a daughter should know?
Daddy dearest tell me it's not true,
Last night you beat me until my body was black and blue,
Daddy dearest what did I do wrong?
Tell me why in your eyes i'll never belong,
Daddy dearest why are you so cruel?
Beating me severely for not obeying every rule,
Daddy dearest as you can tell,
You make my every day feel like i'm living in hell,
Daddy dearest this morning after you ate,
You broke my jaw bone and said it was fate,
Daddy dearest why did you tell the officer I fell?
Now he has left me all alone in this cold tiny jail,
Daddy dearest this evening after your drink,
Your fist hit my face because I couldn't think,
Daddy dearest why didn't you cry?
Last night you killed me without batting an eye,
Daddy dearest now that I am dead,
I can fly with other angels and be happy instead.
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