I see you there
Your eyes dark as coal
Your chin, your nose,oh so pale and bare
I want get closer
I feel my heart pleading to leave
Leave this world and join you
But even as I start to move, though I pull,
Twist and
Something's holding me back
My mouth lets out a silent cry
As you watch,your face blank as a mask carved of stone
But to me its as if you had waved good bye
Telling me,there is no escape of those invisible arms
I stand there,frozen like ice in my mental cage
Begging to be realeased
But you just stand there, now your eyes are full of rage
As I persist to be let go
I overcome my fears,
My woes, sorows,pain
They fly away with the tears
I am not afraid any more
I run up the hill, the formidible foe
But after the struggle all i see
Is my refelction in the snow
You are gone.
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