Even after the storm...
His words would strike me like lightening,
Lies would cut deeper then a rusty blade...
Instead of leaving with my pride intact , I stayed.
Always feeling like I had no choice or voice,
So my true opinion remained silent.
Would even defend his honor by saying " at least he isnt violent "
(~even though he was abusing me emotionally~)
Sadness, anger, pain and hurt ran my life...
Disgusted by my own self pitty,
cause even now I still dream of being his wife.
He used my heart as a stepping stone,
So I was always over looked,
His time was in high demand
which meant he was always booked.
Willingly gave him my body...
Each time I felt used and more used,
In return I only asked to be treated special,
He refused.
At night I would pray long and hard for him to love me.
my words fell on def ears,
unknowingly I waited not 1 not 2 but almost 3 years.
Why didnt I take a hint... and take a walk... that final walk.... out of
his life a little faster.
Days, hours, or even minutes before...
my life became such a diaster.
This body never knew of such a pain until I met this man,
He put me through the worst pain.
Eventhough he killed my pride,
I love him just the same.
Giving myself to a lost soul
was my bad choice,
I suffered alone through this grief,
leaving this love...
alone for good,
I now call,
my biggest relief.
Copyright © ooso_n_loveoo, All Rights Reserved