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My Love: Cruel Death
12/02/2003 @ 3:07am

Such an illusion you’ve put me in,
dancing in fields of rose smelling flowers
as the birds in the tress whisper in my ear…
But, you broke my heart and left me there,
I don’t tolerate being left floating in the air.
You and your wicked ways deserve to die,
you don’t deserve to hear just spiteful words,
a brutal, slow and painful death I have in mind…
Ruby rain starts to fall from the heavens
as the blood red sun melts from the sky,
hear the wind howl like the spirits of the dead,
this will be your last night to sleep in your bed.
You shall be hacked like a fish and skewered like a swine,
I will throw you off a jagged cliff
so ruby blood runs down your eye,
then, leave you in a sty,
so you may lie in your own filth and cry…
I want to cast you in a pit of fire
and laugh as you shriek in pain,
as you get cooked like a bundle of repulsive meat.
With my own hands I will drown you like a dog
watching you flail and fight with all your might,
then as the dark moon rises high above the bleeding hills,
the dagger falls upon your breast,
killing all life left inside.
I will stay side by your side as you choke on blood,
with you eyes real wide,
I wait to see you take your last breath
and I want you, to see the vengeance in my eye.
So that you know in your death hour,
that you broke my heart but I have the power…
Then I will walk away, leaving you there to die,
amongst the brambles of your lies,
I will be grinning real wide
knowing I had my revenge extracted
and all will be fine…

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