Christmas holiday
We hold and we share
With our families that we bare
We hug for and we care
For Christmas we shall always blare
Presents we get
For being nice not naughty
We should give to the poor
For they are cocky
Christmas comes once every year
To us we can afford, but the poor cannot
We should take what is ours
And give it to them
For they deserve it in every way
For they have nothing,they suffer each day
For Christmas we can glare
But we shall never take the dare
Of hating it because we aren't bare
For the poor comes first, that is what's rare
Giving them presents and faith, we will always share
Christmas holiday
Over by the minute
Once we give our care
For the poor in need of what's rare
No problem at all, we will share
That's what Christmas is all about, So take care, and give the poor
their share
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