*Live For Everything, Die For Nothing* Poor, Poverty Stricken, And Livin Off Food Stamps,
My Girl's Goin Through Pregnancy,
And Yells At ... |
Other Poems | Posted: 04/16/2006 @ 5:32am |
No More Pain . . . Your A True Friend To Me,
Someone Who's Always There,
A Girl So Close To My Heart,
Your My Best F... |
Depression Poems | Posted: 03/13/2006 @ 6:05am |
My Questions?! Why do we do this to ourselves,
Why do we fight,
Why do we stab our friends in the back,
or kill them ... |
Other Poems | Posted: 08/07/2005 @ 9:44pm |
Every Beginning has an End! You can hate me or love me,
cuz in the end you won't care,
just get out of my life and let me be,
I h... |
Depression Poems | Posted: 08/02/2005 @ 1:49am |
I Need You.... I need you here with me,
to help me face my fears,
I need you here with me,
to dry all my tears!
I n... |
Fractured Love Poems | Posted: 08/02/2005 @ 1:48am |