Do You? Do you see us walk among you?
Do you feel us fade into times forgotten?
We see you walking by us
We fee... |
by: mentallywounded | Posted: 04/14/2006 @ 9:31pm |
Sea of Red The shimmer of red takes its course
Down the long, pale flesh;
Leaving its streaks to mark its path,
Al... |
by: fuzzmo | Posted: 04/11/2006 @ 3:36pm |
Rainy Day The clounds, like cotton balls in the sky,
as we lye watching them.
The wind whispering to us as it blew... |
by: ilovualways | Posted: 04/10/2006 @ 2:31pm |
To Love Or Not I have a heart, so warm indeed
I have a heart, taken to mislead
I have a heart, shall someone take i... |
by: lonewolf4lyfe | Posted: 04/08/2006 @ 1:35pm |
There's his...& then there's HIS.... He loves me and I love him.
But his kiss is not like HIS.
his if filled with love and compassion.
HIS ... |
by: patience23 | Posted: 04/05/2006 @ 2:25pm |
Lingo Silent insults.
Mere murmurs of my lingo.
Lingering, on the substructure of every page I turn, each ode... |
by: poet_of_elves | Posted: 03/30/2006 @ 9:44pm |
The Bottle This place is called a bedroom
But I hardly sleep anymore
Unless you consider sleep
Face down passed ou... |
by: pandalovin | Posted: 03/30/2006 @ 4:17pm |
holbrook to flagstaff mother road, have mercy upon
your restless witless wandering son
doomed to examine a sprawling vastness
... |
by: iota | Posted: 03/28/2006 @ 8:40am |
The Factory The Factory
The fires of industry never sleep
While the honor of man is sold dirt cheap
Pile your c... |
by: thedropofapen | Posted: 03/24/2006 @ 4:46pm |
Dirty Dancing The music plays-
hands binded together
hearts racing fast
bodies getting sweaty
and the music plays.
... |
by: sad_eyes | Posted: 03/24/2006 @ 4:33pm |