The truth sets us free,
shows us all the lies and reality.
Shows me the truth,
the truth that i'm more than just some screwed up youth.
I'm more than just a waste of space,
Slowly decaying at an accelerated pace,
I'm saved only by amazing grace
Everywhere I go I feel out of place.
And maybe I can lie to myself for awhile and say everyone is good,
The truth is I'm not misunderstood.
I'm simply ignored.
I've tried to get my message across so much but now I'm bored.
For awhile I was high, I soared.
I floated through the air and scored.
But how can I win when there is an army against me?
Toiling and trembling I face the enemy thats against me.
I drown in my own sorrow,
The worst day is always tomorrow.
I face my struggle alone,
I'm weathered from my trouble, I'm grown.
I'm a bastard son,
I've known since day one,
Look out for no one.
I couldn't do what was in my heart,
The cuase of my demise from the start.
I manage to smile instead of frown,
Even when people try to beat me down.
I hope it was worth it for all those people,
Who were out to get me, sniping from the church steeple.
My words will be my revenge,
And karma has the job to avenge.
The truth will set you free,
Either their own mistakes or me shall set them free.
Copyright © diddy2288, All Rights Reserved