Angel of Death In my time of dying,
an angel called out to me.
My soul still wanders, lying,
the angel of death just c... |
Death Poems | Posted: 07/13/2004 @ 11:27am |
Nitemares Replay thinking of you,
you're so far away,
dreaming of you,
nitemares replay,
waiting for you,
reconc... |
Love Poems | Posted: 07/07/2004 @ 12:09pm |
If I Was Better why does everyone suffer around me,
why can't I save them from hell?
why can't I take tormente... |
Depression Poems | Posted: 06/26/2004 @ 6:35am |
Never Want Me Around wrists gashed open,
just like my broken heart,
laying there and hoping,
the mortal pain will start.
I... |
Anger Poems | Posted: 06/24/2004 @ 12:53pm |
Still Hating You Still Hating You
My blood pours out again
and the scars grow deeper still
scars not cut with a blade
... |
Hate Poems | Posted: 06/22/2004 @ 11:22am |
Unto Heaven screaming at the top of my lungs
looking for an out
hoping my life will limp along
but i'm still f... |
Contemplations Poems | Posted: 06/21/2004 @ 3:46am |
Inside a place to cry on lonely nights, a place to be a man.
a place for me to shine so bright, a place to wonde... |
Other Poems | Posted: 06/16/2004 @ 11:31pm |
Me And You Why am i tormented only by me?
why can't you all see my flaws?
why do u walk past so silently?
ign... |
Depression Poems | Posted: 06/16/2004 @ 11:28pm |