Fuck Help I mean to be passionate and sincere
But it's hard when all the world hears
Are my cries of desperat... |
by: vikter | Posted: 08/04/2003 @ 6:18am |
Go Away You are the reason I suffer pain.
You are the one who twists my brain.
You are the one whose making me g... |
by: pooonastik1 | Posted: 08/01/2003 @ 7:08am |
Lies Why do you think you must lie?
Friends don't lie to one another, so why do you lie?
You know Im alw... |
by: lovestruckloser | Posted: 07/31/2003 @ 5:25am |
Wishes Wishes are nothing from my lips,
Just words used scornfully drip by drip.
Thoughts are many and plenty o... |
by: fatehate | Posted: 07/30/2003 @ 3:56pm |
I Hate It i hate your stupid band t-shirts
i hate how u tell me to wear my skirts
i hate the way u treat me like d... |
by: _purplehaze_ | Posted: 07/29/2003 @ 4:21pm |
I Thought I thought you loved me
I thought you cared for me
I thought you promised me somthing, i was wrong
I tho... |
by: lovestruckloser | Posted: 07/29/2003 @ 4:19pm |
Evil DEVIL emotions
sad,worried,alone and scared
tears stream my face
i have been replaced
... |
by: wiicked | Posted: 07/29/2003 @ 4:18pm |
Take It All Step Crick Crack
Like the sound of broken glass
As you crush me
Crush all my dreams
Pop with your n... |
by: somethingreel6 | Posted: 07/26/2003 @ 5:43am |
Nothing Works Out Why doesn't anything every f*cking workout?
When it happens I want to scream and shout.
F*ck everyt... |
by: jnsandhoefner | Posted: 07/26/2003 @ 5:25am |
I Hate You Too I hate you too.
Your turning into my father
I hope you have a kid like me, a bitch as a daughter.
Why d... |
by: jnsandhoefner | Posted: 07/26/2003 @ 5:23am |