Who cares if you've been in jail before?
I guess my friends do.
Who cares if my friends don't like you?
We don't.
Why can't they see that we're in love?
They don't feel what we feel.
They're scared for me, I guess.
They're afraid you'll hurt me.
Why can't they see that you'd never hurt me?
But you love me. You wouldn't hurt me.
Would You?
Yeah. I guess you would as I found out on a horrible Friday night. That
night I finally found out what my friends saw in him. They warned me. And
now because I out love before friendship, I'm paying the price.
I'm hooked up to a machine that's living my life. I see my friends
from up above, crying. I should have listened...for now because I
didn't... I'm slowly dying... I'm slowly paying the price.
Copyright © americangurl_007, All Rights Reserved