Being young and niave....I want those days back
When I was oblivious...To all the things that life lacks
When at the end of the day...I could just relax
Instead of bein afraid...Of life's facts
I can't turn on tv.......Cause a soldier just got shot
His family can't afford a funeral...So I guess he's left in a box
to rot
His mother's left cryin...Cause a casket can't be bought
For her 19 year old son...Who went to war and fought
The government don't care...So he's just another thats been
I can't open the newspaper...An old woman was just hit by a drunk
One stupid mistake...Killed a 3 time breast cancer survivor
Now an 18 year old kid...Lives with this everyday
He can't sleep at night...Or think of words to say
To explain how sorry he is...For causin such dismay
He just wishes....That one night would go away
And he'd go back...To being okay
And 5 young kids...Would see there grandmother taday
He wishes he could unbreak there hearts...And take the hurt away
Can't look at the mail...Another child turned up missin
Her daddy's on the porch...Brought to tears while reminiscin
Tellin everyone about his little girl...Anyone who will listen
No more will he see...His daughters eye's glisten
Forever he will miss...Little Kristen
Walkin the alley...Where a woman just was raped
Beatin, gagged...Mouth and hands taped
Found 2 days later...In blood her body was draped
It will happen again...And they too will not escape
Now I'm confused...I thought our neighborhoods were secure
"Things are gonna change"...You said this you could ensure
But over here...The streets are still poor
When will we see a change....Cause much more we can't endure
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