Lost in a fantasy world
Alone is a sweet abyss
Waiting for my love
Waiting for one special kiss
I値l be waiting
To feel your gentle embrace
Holding me tight
Caressing me through the night
I close my eyes
I see your face
Smiling at me
Warmly and gently
Your love takes me away
In a state of bliss
I feel the beating of your heart
The sweetness of your kiss
Laying under the night sky
You hold me so close to you
Looking up at the sparkling stars
I knew my dreams have come true
I wake up from dreaming
And I don稚 see you beside me
I feel like crying
I miss you, baby
So now I sit and wait
Till I have you next to me
And I値l keep on waiting
For all eternity
I値l be waiting
Till the sky falls down
Till the ocean runs dry
I値l be waiting till I die
I値l be waiting
Until forever
Till the world stops turning
For you, I値l be waiting
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