I stand in the wind
Watching the grass wave and bend
The wind runs through my hair
As I stare into mid air
Focusing on a point non-existant
But only I know it is there
Wondering what I could soon, would see
Waiting to see a sign from the someone somewhere
I feel I am standing alone wondering
If someone is standing looking back from there
If they are thinking the same thing and pondering
As the cool breeze crosses my face
The refreshing feel in this place
It may be anywhere that I stand
But while rocks slowly turns to sand
Over thousands of years the wind will be here
Waiting for something to happen that could change history
Welcoming all that will ever stand here
The wind will always be here or there, but it will always be
The source of welcome to me
If only I could just stand in the wind and stare
Releasing all I have and could bare
Letting go is hard though
But then I am my worst of foe
To settle myself and keep together
Life would be a lot easier and better
My soul can rest
It all for the best
To let my emotions go
Into the wind as it blows
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