What if...
One day you wake
Find all you have believed
All you put your life to
Was all but the truth
Would the sky still be blue
Would the air still smell as sweet
As the day before
Your life wasted believing
The same beliefs as others
Knowing th eprotection Your mind had created
Now that it is gone
You are hanging on
On to the edges of reality
Wondering and pondering
What else has fooled your senses
The senses you thought showed the truth
The friendship of friends
Love of the parents you had
Raised knowing it, when really not knowing it at all
The feeling you felt for the one
The one you thought you would spend time with
The time of your life happily with them
All which is lost to you now
Can you trust anyone
Is there no end to the lies
Not a way to find the truth
The hard impact of how your life would change
Not knowing a thing but
But knowing more than anyone else
Are you sure you're alive
Or in the real world
Or if it just a dream
And you are just a child
Maybe there is no real truth
We may just be swimming
Swimming in a pool of lies
Never to get out
Unless we teach ourselves to fly
But then will it be over?
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