Why did I like you?
You were with another girl
Why did I say yes..
When you asked me out
Why did I believe you..
When you told me you loved me
Why did I care ..
When you told me your past
Why did I tell you my thoughts..
When you sat there and told them all
Why didin't I listen to my friends
When they said you were a jerk
Why didn't I listen to myself
Those 3 times before
Why do I still care for you
Now that I'm not with you
Why do I feel I made a big mistake?
Why do I feel hurt?
Why do I feel like I want to die
I guess I nees you here with me
But you didn't feel the same way
When I asked for you back
Am I not good enough for you?
Was I just there for you so you can flaunt me to your friends?
Fuck this we are no longer together
Now I have no regret
But I always stop cause I laugh and realize
You and me have ended...
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