You are the light in my darkness,
You are the sun in my day,
You are the end of my rainbow,
The path when I've lost my way,
You are the stars in my night sky,
You are my moon, big and bright,
You're my reminder from heaven
That some things in my life are right,
You are the star I once wished on
That fell from the heavens above,
You are the dream that's been realized,
The object of my greatest love,
You are my sweetest endeavor,
You are my grandest hope,
You are the love I aspire to,
The knot at the end of my rope,
I've loved you for many a lifetime,
But I couldn't see until now
The face that is yours in this world,
The bittersweet pain on your brow,
Oh, love me and stay with me always,
Together we'll move through this life,
Hand in hand by your side I will love you,
We'll grow old by the warm firelight.
Copyright © sherri, All Rights Reserved