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The Day Gods Became Human
05/27/2004 @ 8:50pm

Unlike any other
Was this day of days
So deep in my memories
The day the sun lost some of its luster
The day the grass became gray
The day the water became clouded
The day gods became human

Men of honor and courage
Men of fame and of glory
Glory for his kin
Glory for his love
Glory for his Lord
Was lost
The day gods became human

Women of righteousness and strength
Women of truth and knowledge
Have all but vanished
Faded into nothing
Those women of legend
Not a one left
The day gods became human

And we wonder why our world
The world in which we live
Is littered with crime and pestilence
Lies and murder
Death and suffering
All asking questions
They have no right asking

But ask them if you must
For if you weren't there then certainly inquire
For you have the right to know
As to why tears form around your eyes
Why the sky seems so dark
Why the water runs like poison
And why you fear to leave your door

I was there
It wasn't a sight to behold
It was a sight to fear
And if I could only manage
To get those horrid images out of my head
I imagine I would be much more pleasant
But in my head they remain

They became much like myself
And I wondered how that is possible
Given that I had never done anything
Liken to what they had accomplished
In their remarkable lives
Lives overflowing with goodness and virtue
Lives I sought to make my own

How is it they fell from grace
They did something that we do everyday
But hardly take notice of it
For everyday we do these things
And everyday we breath
Are days in which they rear their heads
The gruesome sins we commit

Now you might say
That such fickle things could never knock the gods
From their horses on high
But imagine if you would
A life covered in perfection
Being tainted by something as vile
As what we have come to know and hold so dear

We embraced lives of sin
Mind you sin is a varied subject
Privy to change and exception
From lying to murder
From torture to death
From argument to war
The road of sin has many paths

They fell hard
As water poured from a height
Their essences splashed over all creation
Their honor and righteousness
Courage and strength
Fame and truth
Glory and knowledge

All godhood bereft of them
All but their forms
Now human and confused
Weak and fearful
Lost and angry
Trying to find their way
In a world that is unfamiliar to them

All recollection of their great deeds
Were put aside
Lost in the passing years
One after another
Until stories and fables
Were the only record
Of these once proud and vibrant beings

It was the day the heroes fell
The day the sounds of laughter faded
The day that the sun shed its first tears
The day the clouds became angry and black
The day people realized that there is nothing
And anything good and golden that lasts forever
The day gods became human.

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